Word Retriever: XHTML <BR/> Tags in word report - V7.3.3

Word Retriever: XHTML <BR/> Tags in word report - V7.3.3


User reports that BR Tags <br /> appears in the Keyword section in the Word report.


Root cause:

The <br /> tags in the keyword, generally shows up when the contents for the keywords (EARNING DRIVER, RISKS & RATIONALE etc) are copied from XHTML source (in the previous reports) which gets captured in the database. Currently with DBS templates, only HTML codes are handled. XHTML codes, can be handled by inserting new macro codes. This needs to be done in both the word report and in the base template as well.



To remove the BR Tags from the keywords:


1)       Open the word report shared by the user.


2)      Access the Macros Editor screen (by pressing Alt + F11). Expand the project tree of the Word document to find the macro codes.


3)      Delete the ‘Module2’ Macro under Modules in the left pane (as shown in the below screenshot) :



4)      Copy the below macro base and Save it (named Module2.bas) on your machine. Please do not change the name.

5)      Import it to the Macros Library project of the word report. Click on File and then click ‘Import File’:


Browse and locate the saved macro file on your machine and click ‘Open’:

6)      Save the word report and refresh the report for removal of BR Tags.


7)      Now download the base word template from Research Library >> Update Word Templates under Administration section.


8)      Create a Backup copy of the template.


9)      Follow Steps 1 – 6 (inclusive), save the template and Upload back to the system.


10)   Generate a new Word report on the same stock and confirm the BR tags are removed.



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