Marketfeed: Steps to switch on/off the Instrument series items - V7.3.3

Marketfeed: Steps to switch on/off the Instrument series items - V7.3.3

Switch off the Bloomberg pricing items and switch on the IDC pricing items.

 1.  Login to ‘ADBMS’.

2.  Go to ‘Static information’ under ‘miscellaneous section’.

3.  Under the drop-down menu for ‘Instrument series types’, select ‘Closing price’ and click on ‘Update’.

4. Change the existing ‘New Code’ and ‘Forecast Code’ fields by adding ‘_BB’ so that it should represent the Bloomberg price items. Once modified, click on ‘Update’.

 5. Now, select ‘IDC Closing Price’ from the drop down and click on ‘Update’.


6. Change the existing ‘New Code’ and ‘Forecast Code’ fields by removing ‘_IDC’. Once modified, click on ‘Update’ (screenshot mentioned below for your reference). 

Same steps need to be performed for other two pricing items i.e., ‘Opening Price’ and ‘Traded Volume’.

Ø Switch off the IDC pricing items and switch back to Bloomberg Pricing items.

1.  Under the drop-down menu for ‘Instrument series types’, select ‘IDC Closing price’ and click on ‘Update’.

2.  Change the existing ‘New Code’ and ‘Forecast Code’ fields by adding ‘_IDC’ so that it should represent the IDC price items. Once modified, click on ‘Update’.

3.  Now, select ‘Closing Price’ from the drop down and click on ‘Update’.

Change the existing ‘New Code’ and ‘Forecast Code’ fields by removing ‘_BB’. Once modified, click on ‘Update’.


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