Upload ResearchWise Financial Model - V7.3.3

Upload ResearchWise Financial Model - V7.3.3

Understanding ResearchWise Sheet

The ResearchWise sheet is a Microsoft Excel based template provided by ANALEC for uploading the information. This database template contains all the important financial & Static data fields to be uploaded into the system.

The ResearchWise sheet is linked to the financial model before the data is uploaded into the central database.

Linking ResearchWise Sheet to Financial Model

In order to upload the financial model data into the central database, the ResearchWise sheet/template must be linked to the financial model built by the user/analyst. The procedure of linking the financial model to the ResearchWise template is outlined below.

1) Open the excel financial model of a company and the respective ResearchWise Sheet. Once the ResearchWise sheet opens, right click on the worksheet name and select ‘Move or Copy…’ option.

2) The pop-up appears on the screen, as shown below. Select the financial model from the “To Book” drop down as the destination to copy the sheet. Select “Create a copy” option and click on OK.

3) The RESEARCHWISE spreadsheet has now been added to the company’s financial model.

The Forecast Financial Input Items

Financial year & period information: The year (i.e. 2014, 2015, etc.) & period (i.e. FY, 1H, etc.) for which the data is present in the financial model is entered here.

Year: Years under Financial data section is automatically derived from ‘Data Input Start Year’ field given under static items.

Reporting Financial Year: Represents the financial year of the reporting period e.g. 2019, 2020, 2021, etc.

Accounts Status: If the data for reporting period is actual, use “A” or if the actual reporting period is being restated, use “R” and if it is for future period, then use “E”. 

Reporting Period: Represents the reporting period. Use “FY” for full Year, “1H” for first half or “2H” for second half, “1Q” for first quarter, “2Q” for second quarter “3Q” for third quarter or “4Q” for fourth quarter.

Financial Year End (month): Represents the month of the financial year-end for the company. This field is automatically derived from ‘Year End Month’ field given under static items.

 Forecast Data of ResearchWise sheet are as follow.

i. Revenues


iii.  EBIT

iv.  EPS

v.  Free Cash Flow 

Note down all the data fields of each section which need to be linked with the ResearchWise sheet. Now link the data fields in the data section to the data fields in the financial model.

Once linking is complete, it is recommended that the user check all the fields of each section in the financial model to ensure that each data field of the ResearchWise sheet has been appropriately linked to the financial model.

Upload ResearchWise Financial Model

Open the linked Financial model and login to ResearchWise. Under the ANALEC ResearchWise tab, click on Quick Verification dropdown and select the option 'Stepwise Verification' to upload the financial model for the stock.

Verification and Integrity Check

The first step in the verification process asks user to select the forecast source in which numbers will be uploaded. Draft forecast source is analyst specific work area and information uploaded in this source is not visible externally.

Select ‘Draft Forecast Source’ and click ‘Ok’ to proceed to the next stage where system would carry out mandatory error & integrity checks as shown in screenshot below. Information uploaded on Live forecast source is visible to all the ResearchWise users as well as external clients. Therefore, the users are given access to upload their model only to the Draft Source.

Once the integrity checks are complete, all Errors and Warnings associated with the model would appear.

Errors are the accounting inaccuracies in the financial model that must be rectified before the data is allowed to be uploaded into the Central Database.

Warnings are the accounting inaccuracies in the financial model which are not mandated to rectify before model upload as warnings will not stop the model from uploading into the Central Database.

Click on the ResearchWise Tab to view the error and warnings in a quick view mode.

Press the button ‘Export to worksheet’ to see the details of ‘Errors & Warnings’ and to export them to a separate excel sheet.

After correction of errors user needs to initiate the process again and need to press the ‘Post Update’ button to upload the numbers into the database.

As soon as ‘Post Update’ button is clicked, system will display the screen; Data from the selected ResearchWise sheets will be uploaded to database.

If we want to compare the numbers with the Live numbers (the numbers from the report which was published last time and are publicly available) already available in the database, then click on ‘Compare to Live’. It will show the below screen asking you to insert the Tolerance % for the comparison and the name of the comparison sheet. 

After you click on ‘Show Changes’ it will show a confirmation message and open the comparison sheet in the existing ResearchWise sheet when you click on ‘Close’.


This document is the property of ANALEC and its subsidiaries. Under no circumstances, should any of this material be copied, transmitted, forwarded to any individual and/or organization without the explicit approval of the ANALEC and/or any of its Group companies. This information is strictly private and confidential between the ANALEC and their Customers. Any unauthorized distribution of this document is illegal.

© ANALEC. All Rights Reserved  
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