Updating and Re-sending Report PDF - V7.3.3

Updating and Re-sending Report PDF - V7.3.3

In case, the distributed research report contains any error (wrong information, typos or any other error) we can replace/swap the PDF report by following the below steps:

1.       Download the word file from the Dashboard by right clicking on the last stage of the report for which you want to replace the PDF file and select Download Main Report (Word). Rename the word file to the same name as of the updated PDF.

2.       Login to ResearchWiseWebApps with the admin account and Click on ‘Report Search’ under

ResearchFlow Administration > Report Administration > Report Search

3.       Now search the report by ‘Title’ or ‘By date interval’. 

4.       Select the report whose PDF need to be replaced and click on ‘UPDATE’.

5.     On submit report page, scroll down and check the radio button “Update files”. Browse the PDF and word files that needs to be uploaded by clicking ‘Choose File’ buttons against PDF report and Main Report. After choosing the PDF and Word Report, un-check the option “Automatically distribute to Recipients” and click on ‘Update Report’. Unchecking the option “Automatically distribute to Recipients” would ensure that the report does not get distributed again while updating.

1.       Go to Manage Report Status under Research Upload in ResearchWiseWebApps.

Research Upload > Manage Report Status

2.       Select the vendor, to whom the report needs to be re-sent. The reports can be searched on the basis of any required search criteria provided below.

3.       Click on ‘Search’ button after selecting the vendor and the search criteria to fetch the required report. 

4.       Find the report from the list that need to be resent to the vendor and click on ‘Resend’ button.

5.       To re-send the report to other vendors, you can follow the same steps upon selecting the other vendors from the dropdown list individually.

Please do not click “Resend to all vendors”, since it would trigger re-sending of report to all the vendors.


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