Steps to install Generic Uploader - V7.3.3

Steps to install Generic Uploader - V7.3.3

Steps to install generic uploader.

1. Click on Generic Uploader Installer.msi.

2. The following screen will appear, click on ‘Run’ to proceed with the installation.

3. Click Next.

4. On the next screen, click on radio button ‘Just me’ (or ‘Everyone’-as per your requirements) and click ‘Next’.

5. Accept the Licensing Agreement by click on ‘I Agree’ radio button and click ‘Next’.

6. System will install the Generic uploader on your system.

7. Once finished, it will provide the following screen confirming that the Generic uploader is installed. Click ‘Close’ to end.

Steps to Enable Generic Uploader Add-in in MS Excel.

1. Close all MS Excel instances.

2. Go to the installed location of Generic Uploader.
By default the location will be ‘C:\Program Files\Analec Infotech Private Limited\Generic Uploader’.
3. Copy the file ‘Generic Uploader Addin.xla’ from the above location.
4. Paste the file in the below location: Location: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART
5. Now open MS Excel you will be able to see the Generic Uploader Add-in as showing in the screenshot below.

Steps to upload Historical/DailyTime Series Uploader through Generic Uploader.

Below are the parameters that are required to be updated in the below Control Panel:

1. Open the Excel file ‘Historical Time Series Uploader_BOCI’.

2. No change is required for the fields ‘Server Address’, ‘BLOOMBERG CODE TYPE’ and ‘TIME SERIES FIELD’.
3. Enter the ‘Start’ and ‘End date’ as required. This is the date range for which we require to fetch the data. 
4. Enter the Schema path and UPLOADERLOCATION (Default generic uploader install location) as shown in the screenshot above. Also, we have kept the same location in the uploader we shared with you.
5. We have kept the Username/Password for your account (Admin user account is required) in the uploader that can be used for uploading the data through uploader. 
6. For Report file you can input any location on your machine where you want the output file to be created.
7. Enter the tickers for which data is required inside the uploader as shown in the below screenshot and click on button ‘Generate dates from Bloomberg functions’ so that the data date and BBG functions are inserted within the sheet will
automatically be fetched from Bloomberg terminal. This file would then need to opened on BBG terminal to fetch the data, copy and past special the data.

8. Once all the data is loaded, then under Add-Ins click on the Time Series uploader as shown in the screenshot below.

9. Once you will click on the Time Series Uploader as shown above, a pop will show up. Click on ‘Yes’ as shown in the screenshot below.

10. System will start uploading the data in the database and gives the below confirmation message stating that records are uploaded successfully. Press ‘OK’ to confirm.

Note: All the steps mentioned above for Historical Time series Uploader are required to run Daily Time series uploader as well. The only difference is that in Daily Time Series Uploader, we input the tickers vertically and dates Horizontally, however in Historical Time series uploader it is vise versa.

Steps to Upload Consensus EPS Generic Uploader

1. Open the Excel Sheet ‘Consensus Numbers’ under Excel Book ‘EPS Company Uploader’ in Bloomberg Terminal which will fetch all the Consensus numbers from Bloomberg for the stocks mentioned in the sheet.

Below are the parameters that are required to be dated in the below control panel (for both the tabs - Consensus Numbers and Pasted Values

2. No change is required for the fields ‘@FORECASTSOURCE’,  ‘Instrument code type’, ‘Server Address’, ‘Information Column’, ‘Information Row’ and ‘Clear down history’.
3. Enter the ‘Start’ and ‘End date’ as required. This is the date range for which we require to fetch the data. 
4. Enter the Schema path and UPLOADERLOCATION (Default generic uploader install location) as shown in the screenshot above. Also, we have kept the same location in the uploader we shared with you.
5. We have kept the Username/Password for your account (Admin user account is requiredAdmin) in the uploader that can be used for uploading the data through uploader. 
6. For Report file you can input any location on your machine where you want the output file to be created.
7. Once we are done with the above, click on ‘Pass Data as Value’ as shown in the screenshot above which will copy and paste the data in the next sheet i.e. ‘Pasted Values’.
8. In the sheet ‘Pasted Values’ we have to use the same parameters under the Control Panel as shown above.
9. Now click on the Add-Ins then click on the Consensus uploader as shown in the screenshot below.

10. Once you will click on the Consensus Uploader as shown above, a pop will show up. Click on ‘Yes’ as shown in the screenshot below.

11. System will start uploading the data in the database and gives the below confirmation message stating that records are uploaded successfully. Press ‘OK’ to confirm.


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