Steps to generate Portfolio Summary - V7.3.3

Steps to generate Portfolio Summary - V7.3.3

Step 1: Launching Portfolio Summary Tool
Click on the ‘Portfolio Summary’ icon from the ANALEC ResearchWise Ribbon to launch the Portfolio Summary Wizard.
1) The Portfolio Summary Generation window is displayed. Select the ‘Draft or live Information Source’ from the ‘Forecast Source Information’ drop down.
2) You can then choose to view all instruments under your firm’s coverage as View by country, View by country and sector, View by sector etc. Select any criteria, and then choose the Parent i.e., the entire category with all stocks under it or open the Tree further to select individual stocks and then click on “Add Selected instruments” to add them. Click on Next to go to the Forecast Item Selection screen. 
Step 2: Choose Forecast Items and Period
1) Forecast items are financial statement items & ratios and valuation items like Total Revenue, Cost of Goods Sold, RoE etc., which have been captured in the system through the ResearchWise upload sheet.
2) Select the forecast item(s) from the available hierarchy list of Forecast Items and select the appropriate forecast periods from the list of Available forecast periods. 

The ‘Selected forecast period parameters’ appear (as highlighted below) when we select the forecast periods from the list. Based on your item selection, you can also apply various adjustments to this data with regard to Share Price adjustment, Currency adjustment and Calendarization options (bottom section).  Once done, click on next to go to the next window which is Static item Selection.
Step 3 (Optional): Choose Static Items or click Next to Skip
1) Forecast static items essentially contain all single point data items that are captured through the upload sheet like Instrument Code, Rating, and Recommendation etc., (as shown below). Select the static items from the hierarchy. Click on Next to go to the next window which is Aggregation wizard. 
Step 4 (Optional): Choose Aggregation or click Next to Skip
1) Aggregation allows you to aggregate the selected forecast item(s) for the selected constituents (in the below screenshot: E&P Sector) for comparison with the selected instrument. Under “Company Selection” choose the constituents to be used for aggregation like (1) Index Inclusion (2) Sector Inclusion (3) Country Inclusion and/or (4) Custom instrument inclusion. For e.g., select the checkbox ‘Sector Inclusion’ to use sector constituents for calculation of the aggregated items and select the desired sector from the respective hierarchy list. This means the aggregation tool will aggregate the requested forecast items for all stocks under your firm’s coverage for that sector.
2) Under “Aggregation Calculation” select the Aggregation Method e.g., ‘Simple One Stage’ from the dropdown list to be used for calculation. Click the ‘Details’ link to if you wish to view the details of the selected aggregation method.
3) Select the currency e.g. ‘US Dollar {US$}’ from the ‘Destination currency’ dropdown list for carrying out cross currency calculation i.e., all instruments forecast values will be converted to the selected currency at the latest exchange rate.

Step 5 (Optional): Choose Output Preference or click Finish to Skip
You can choose output preferences like the convention of numbers e.g., million, billion etc., or how many line items you would like to have per line as well as period format options on this screen.

Step 6: Final Output
1) The ANALEC Excel Retriever populates the open worksheet with a blank template for the Portfolio Summary sheet with the options as selected above. There would be no forecast information in the template currently.
2) To retrieve the information in the above template, click on to the ‘Recalculate Worksheet’ icon on the ANALEC toolbar. This populates the sheet with the latest available information from the database 
3) The user may change Instrument Code/ Instrument Cross Ref/ Forecast Source/ Multiplier to use/ Apply Formatting/ Display Comments cells in column F and refresh the template to populate the sheet with changed options. For example, to change the multiplier keeping the rest of the options the same, change the multiplier from 1,000,000 to 1,000 and simply refresh the excel sheet by clicking on “Recalculate Worksheet”. 

Once created, this sheet can be refreshed at any point in time to quickly bring in the latest data (historical & forecast) that is uploaded by the analysts and stored in ResearchWise database.


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