Steps to map Analyst Coverage - V7.3.3

Steps to map Analyst Coverage - V7.3.3

Provide coverage rights for 'All Stocks’ to a user
1. Login to ‘ADBMS’.
2. Go to ‘Analyst Coverage’ option under ‘Miscellaneous section’.
3. Search for the user (For example: - Analec Administrator) to whom coverage access needs to be given.
4. Select the forecast source.
5. Under the drop down option of ‘Access Mode’, select ‘All Stocks’. 

All Stocks - will include all covered stocks. If selected, all instruments will be mapped to user.
6. In order to provide the coverage access of ‘All Stocks’ available in the ResearchWise database, Administrator user can select the option of ‘All Stocks’ under ‘Access Mode’ drop down.
7. Select the ‘Access Type’ from the drop down menu and select the required ‘Access type’ as mentioned below:- 
Update – If selected, user will be able to update the information for the instrument(s).
View – If selected, user will be able to view the information for the instrument.

8. Select the ‘Update Type’ from the drop down menu and select the required ‘Update Type’ as mentioned below:- 
Anytime – If selected, user can update the instrument information anytime.
Forecast security – If selected, user can update the instrument information as per the forecast security is defined.
Custom – If selected, user can update no. of times defined by user in No of Updates field and that to specific to a date defined in Till date field.

9. ‘No. of updates’ will be a Text Field which will only be enabled when Custom filed is selected else disabled. If enabled, user can enter the number which will define how many a user can update on this instrument.
10. ‘Till Date’ will be Date field which will only be enabled when Custom filed is selected else disabled. If enabled date can be entered this will allow user to make any updates till that specified date.
11. Once all the above mentioned parameters are selected click on ‘Apply’ to provide the coverage access of all the stocks.
12. The below mentioned window will appear.

Provide coverage rights for ‘Selected stocks’ to a user
Selected Stocks - will include specific stocks selected by user. If selected, all selected stock will be mapped to user and will be displayed below Selected Stocks item.
1. Go to ‘Analyst Coverage’ option under ‘Miscellaneous section’.
2. Search for the user (For example: - Analec Administrator) to whom coverage access needs to be given
3. Select the forecast source.
4. Under the drop down option of ‘Access Mode’, select ‘Selected Stocks’ from drop down option.
5. Click on ‘Add’ button mentioned at the bottom of the screen. A new window will appear to select the stocks for which coverage access needs to be provided to the user.
** As shown in the below screen, stocks can be selected on the basis of ‘Sectors’, ‘Country’, ‘Indices’ or ‘Individual stock’ can be search. Once stock selection is made, permission needs to be granted for ‘Can user update’ and ‘Update type’ as per requirement and click on ‘Apply’. 
6. Once clicked on ‘Apply’, all the selected stocks will be displayed as shown in the below mentioned screen. 
7. Click on ‘Apply’ to provide the coverage access of ‘Selected Stocks’.

8. Once clicked on ‘Apply’, below mentioned window will appear. Click on ‘OK’.

Provide coverage access rights of ‘All stocks excluding few’
All stocks excluding - will include access to all the stocks except the list of stocks user will not be authorized to use. If selected, all stocks except the list of stocks chosen will be mapped to user and will be displayed below All Stocks excluding item. Also, there will be a pop window which will notify user about “All Stocks excluding”. User has to click on the OK button to proceed further.
1. Go to ‘Analyst Coverage’ option under ‘Miscellaneous section’.
2. Search for the user (For example: - Analec Administrator) to whom coverage access needs to be given.
3. Select the forecast source.
4. Under the drop down option of ‘Access Mode’, select ‘All Stocks excluding’ from drop down option.
5. Select instrument permissions like ‘Access type’, ‘Update type’, ‘No. of updates’ & ‘Till date’ for the stocks for which coverage access needs to be provided.
6. To remove the stocks for which no coverage access has to be provided, click on ‘Add’ button mentioned at the bottom of the screen. A new window will appear to select the stocks for which no coverage access needs to be provided to the user out of all stocks available in the ResearchWise database.
** As shown in the below screen, stocks can be selected on the basis of ‘Sectors’, ‘Country’, ‘Indices’ or ‘Individual stock’ can be search. Once stock selection is made, click on ‘Apply’. 
7. Once clicked on ‘Apply’, all the selected stocks will be displayed as shown in the below mentioned screen.
8. Click on ‘Apply’ to provide the coverage access of ‘Selected Stocks’.
9. Once clicked on ‘Apply’, below mentioned window will appear. Click on ‘OK’.

Copy coverage rights from another user
Copy from other user – is a button which will allow user to copy the instrument list from the other user. Once clicked there will be a pop window displaying the options to copy the instrument information.
To copy the coverage access from one user to other, please follow the below mentioned steps:-
1. Go to ‘Analyst Coverage’ option under ‘Miscellaneous section’.
2. Click on the button ‘Copy from other user’.
3. Enter the name for the user in the ‘User name’ box under ‘Source user information’ from whom we need to copy the coverage access. For example: - Analec administrator.
4. Enter the name for the user in the ‘User name’ box under ‘Destination user information’ for whom we need to copy the coverage access. For example: - Charles Chung.
5. Add the ‘Destination user’ name under ‘List of users’ box.
6. Select the Forecast source as required and click on ‘Apply’.

7. Once clicked on ‘Apply’, below mentioned window will appear. Click on ‘Yes’. 

Once clicked on ‘Yes’, search for the user for whom we have copied the coverage access and all the required stocks access will be shown under user’s profile.

Remove coverage rights from the user
Remove all rights – will be a button and allow removing the rights of the user for all the existing instruments
1. Go to ‘Analyst Coverage’ option under ‘Miscellaneous section’ and search for the user (For example: - Analec Administrator) for whom coverage access needs to be removed.
2. Click on the button ‘Remove all rights’.

3. Click on ‘Yes’ on the confirmation window.

4. Click on ‘Ok’.


This document is the property of ANALEC and its subsidiaries. Under no circumstances, should any of this material be copied, transmitted, forwarded to any individual and/or organization without the explicit approval of the ANALEC and/or any of its Group companies. This information is strictly private and confidential between the ANALEC and their Customers. Any unauthorized distribution of this document is illegal.

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