Steps to Set-up Forecast Items - V7.3.3

Steps to Set-up Forecast Items - V7.3.3

To perform these steps, Login to ADBMS tool using the ResearchWise credentials.

Forecast type set up: Understanding Forecast Parameters

Step1: Click the Forecast type setup option under Forecast section.

Step2: Select the Forecast item from the Forecast type lists. Below screenshot shows the forecast item “Enterprise Value” being selected.

On selection of the Forecast Item, we can see the following forecast item details fields on the right-hand side:
a. Forecast id: System Id assigned for a Forecast item. It is Ingested via automated feed. This field cannot be edited.
b. Forecast Code: System code assigned for a Forecast item. It is Ingested via automated feed. This field cannot be edited.
c. Forecast Description: This is a brief description for a Forecast item. It is Ingested via automated feed. This field cannot be edited. 
d. Forecast Calculation: Applicable only if the forecast item is a calculated item. Leave the field blank if the forecast item is a sheet input item i.e. uploaded via model. If the item value should be calculated by the server based on other input/price items, you need to define the calculation formula here.
The calculations should be specified in a pre-determined format in the form of Forecast Codes. The operators [‘*’, ‘/’, ‘+’ or ‘-’] must be placed between two Forecast Codes for calculation. Each Forecast Code used in the calculation would have to end with ‘:’ sign (colon) that act as a separator.
The Forecast Calculation does not follow the BODMAS rule. It follows the linear methodology. This implies that the system would perform the calculation in the sequence that the operators appear in the calculation.
You can specify the year for which the value for the Forecast Type is to be retrieved by specifying ‘0’, ‘1’ or ‘-1’ along with the forecast item. ‘0’ refers to the Current year, ‘-1’ refers to the previous year and ‘1’ refers to next year.
If a particular calculation has to be performed on two sets of Forecast Codes like (A+B)/C then the two sets have to be separated by ‘;’ (semi colon). The ‘;’ sign appears on both sides of the operator.
       E.g. ‘@COMIT054+0:;/;@@PRICE:*:@@COMIT024+0:’

e. Aggregation Numerator:  Applicable only if the forecast item is a calculated item. Leave the field blank if the forecast item is a sheet input item i.e. uploaded via model. This refers to the numerator for the calculated items. 
The Aggregation Numerator Formula ideally has dimensions hence preceded by N. 
E.g. N@COMIT054+0:
f. Aggregation denominator:  Applicable only if the forecast item is a calculated item. Leave the field blank if the forecast item is a sheet input item i.e. uploaded via model. This refers to the denominator for the calculated items. 
The Aggregation denominator Formula ideally has dimensions hence preceded by N. 
E.g. N@@PRICE:*:@@COMIT024+0:
g. Default format: This represents the format in which data for a particular ‘Forecast Type’ is retrieved by the ‘ResearchWise System’. It is Ingested via automated feed.
h. Dimensionless Value:
Default value is ingested as N i.e. disabled. ‘Dimensionless Values’ mean that the value of a particular forecast item would remain the same, irrespective of the currency in which they are expressed. E.g. Ratios (growth %), Counts (issued shares) etc.
i. Apply Multiplier: Default value is ingested as N i.e. disabled. This option is enabled if a forecast item needs to have impact of multiplier.
j. Calenderisation using base data: 
Default value is ingested as N i.e. disabled. This option is enabled only if the item data should be used for Calenderisation or smoothing.
k. Is Sequential: Default value is ingested as N i.e. disabled. This option is enabled only for a calculated item having previous year items. If enabled, system will use immediate available previous period data instead of previous Full year for calculation.
l. ADR Affected: Default value is ingested as N i.e. disabled. This option is enabled only if we have ADR/GDR stocks setup in the system. Since we do not have ADR/GDR, you can leave this field unchanged.

Additional Tasks
Manage Period Conditions: 
Helps to mark a forecast item mandatory to include data for particular ‘Forecast Type’ for a specified forecast period (Full Year, First Quarter, Second Quarter, etc) while uploading data of a financial model to the system. If the data mentioned above is not included in the financial model, then the system would not permit uploading of financial data. An error is reported if such a situation arises.
1. To do so, select the Forecast item and click Manage Period Conditions. 
2. It will open Manage Mandatory Periods window, select the Forecast Source as Berenberg Live Information source and then the applicable Accounting Template.
3. Now, select the forecast periods as mandatory for values to be uploaded.
4. Click the Close button to close the window and apply the changes.
** Allow Not A Number: - Helps to set a forecast item to allow String/text values.

Manage Source Cross Reference 
Helps to Map the forecast item with the respective or applicable ‘Accounting Template’ or ResearchWise sheet. 
1. To do so, Select the forecast item, click Manage source cross reference. 
2. In the ‘Manage Forecast Types’ window, select the ‘Forecast Source’ as Berenberg Live Information source and then the applicable Accounting Template. 
3. Now, select the checkbox against the Forecast items to be mapped with the Accounting Template sheet for the selected forecast source.
4. Click the Close button to close the window and apply the changes.


Manage category cross reference
Helps to Map a forecast item under respective Forecast Categories, to form a hierarchy tree structure.
1. To do so, Select the forecast item and click on Manage Category Cross-Reference.
2. In the Manage Forecast Types Categories window, select the Forecast source as Berenberg Live Information source. 
3. Now select the Forecast item, Drag and Drop it to the applicable Forecast Categories shown on the right-hand side. 
4. Click the Close button to close the window and apply the changes.


Manage Instrument Source Forecast Cross-Reference
Applicable only if the forecast item is a calculated item. If the calculation formula involves any dependency on time series items i.e. price items (e.g. Closing Price), then we need map it in the Manage Instrument Source Forecast Cross-Reference section. 

1. To do so, Select the forecast item and click on Manage Instrument Source Forecast Cross-Reference.
2. In the Manage instrument source forecast code window, select the time series/price item/items used in the calculation.
3. Click on update to apply the changes and then the Close button to close the window.


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