Setting Up Static Item - V7.3.3

Setting Up Static Item - V7.3.3

Introduction to Static Items

The ‘Forecast static items’ are the basic information related to an instrument which does not change on a regular basis. Examples of ‘Forecast static items’ include Recommendation, Target Price, Year End Month, Multiplier, etc. The Forecast Static Information Types can be added to the system with the help of this ADBMS tool.

In this document, we shall illustrate the below steps involved in completing//updating the Static Item.

To perform these steps, Login to ADBMS tool using the ResearchWise credentials.

Static Item setup: Understanding Static item Parameters

Step1: Click on the ‘ADBMS static’ node from ‘Miscellaneous’ section.

Step2: Under the ‘Static information’ section, click on the ‘New’ button to add a new static information type.

Step3: Type in the static code, its description and select the other Static properties as shown in the figure below. A brief description of each Static item fields and its properties are mentioned below.

a.      Static Code: The Static Code begins with the sign ‘@’. The system accepts alphabetical as well as alpha-numeric values for Static Codes. The existing codes in the system are provided in a manner that enables faster identification of Static Codes with the items that they refer to.


b.      Static Description: This is a brief description for a Static item.


c.      Static Datatype: The available static data types in system are ‘Date’ (Date format), ‘Numeric’ (numeric format) and ‘String’ (alpha-numeric format). This affects the format in which the static information is to be uploaded in the system.

d.      Required Field: This field determines if it is mandatory for the data of particular ‘Static Item’ to be present during uploading financial data of a financial model to the system. From the ‘Required field’ drop down list, select the option ‘Yes’ if the static information is a required field.

e.      Allow Blanks: Allow/Permitting blanks for static items implies that an error is not generated if there is no data present for a particular ‘Static Item’ during uploading financial data of a financial model. If the option ‘No’ is selected, then the system would not allow the upload of financial data in a financial model to the system if there is no data present for the particular static item. From the ‘Allow blanks’ drop down list, select the ‘Yes’ option if blanks are permitted as values for the static information.

f.      Display: This displays the Forecast Static Information and enables the user to retrieve data through ‘Excel Retriever’ tool within the ‘ResearchWise System’. From the ‘Display’ drop down list, select the option ‘Yes’ if the static information type is to be displayed during retrieval.

 g.   Sensitive Item: If an item is set up as a sensitive item, then the restrictions applicable for retrieval of sensitive items will apply to this static item also. Select whether the static item is sensitive or not by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ option from the ‘Sensitive item’ dropdown list.

Step4: Click on the ‘Add’ button to add the Forecast Static Item to the database.

Step5: A pop-up window appears on the screen confirming the successful addition of the static item. Click on the ‘OK’ button to complete the process.

Once the new forecast static item is added, the system is refreshed to display the new static item and the System Administrator can now define a set of allowable values for the new static item.

Allowable Values (optional)

The ADBMS enables the System Administrator to define the permissible values for the data of a Static Item. For example, the System Administrator specifies the permissible values for ‘Recommendation’ as ‘BUY’, ‘HOLD’ and ‘SELL’. Hence while uploading the Financial Model, the system will not permit any other values as Recommendation. The setting of the ‘Allowable Values’ for each ‘Static Item’ has to be set individually with reference to the ‘Forecast Source’ and ‘Accounting Template’.

This field is optional and can be skipped if there are no permissible values to be assigned for Data.

Step1:   Under ‘Allowable values’ section, select the ‘Berenberg Live Information source’ from the dropdown list.

Step2:   Select the accounting template from the ‘Accounting Template’ dropdown list. The ‘Accounting Template’ refers to the ‘ResearchWise Sheet’ that is used to upload financial information in the model to the database.

Step3:   Click on the ‘New’ radio button to add new value constraint for the selected parameters.

Select the operator and the constraint value from the respective dropdowns. The available operators for numeric static data type in the system are ‘=’, ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’, ‘Any’. The functionality of the various operators is explained below:

Operator              Explanation

=                         Accepts only the specified value for the forecast static information

<                         Accepts values lesser than the specified value for the forecast static information.

>                         Accepts values greater than the specified value for the forecast static information.

<=                       Accepts values less than or equal to the specified value for the forecast static information.

>=                       Accepts values greater than or equal to the specified value for the forecast static information.

Any                    Accepts any value for the forecast static data type.

Step4:   The constraints are different for different Static Data Types such as Date, String and Numeric. An example for each data type is given below for better understanding.

‘DATE’ Static Data Type

For example, the requirement is to allow only future date or time as input value for the static item. Then we must setup the allowable value as Greater than (>) NOW or TODAY.
‘NOW’ defines the current date and time.  If you choose, ‘TODAY’, then you can choose current date and any time. If you choose ‘<Select Date>’, then you have to choose a date from the calendar.

‘NUMERIC’ Static Data Type
For example, the requirement is to allow numbers less than 100 only as input value for the static item. Then we must setup the allowable value as Less than (<) followed by 100 as Constraint.

For Date and Numeric Data Types, if a particular allowable value is to be defined as a combination of two constraints, the System Administrator needs to click on the ‘And’ button. This enables us to add two constraints for an allowable value.

‘STRING’ Static Data Type

For example, the requirement is to allow only defined text as input value for the static item. Then we must setup the allowable as that Keyword in the Constraint textbox.

Step5:   Click on the ‘Add’ button to add the value constraint for the selected static type, forecast source and accounting template.

Step6:   The system displays the constraint(s) in a window. Confirm the correctness of the value constraint. Click on the ‘Done’ button to complete the process of addition of allowable values for the selected static information types.

In case the value constraint is incorrect, select the value constraint and click on the ‘Remove’ button to remove the value constraint from the system.

Manage Forecast Source Cross-Reference

The System Administrator can manage the ‘Forecast Source’ to which the data for static items in a financial model can be uploaded. This can be achieved by mapping a particular Forecast Static Type, to a Forecast Source.

The steps for mapping a particular Forecast Static Type to a Forecast Source are highlighted below:

Step1:   Click on the ‘ADBMS static’ node from the ‘Miscellaneous section’. Click on the ‘Manage forecast source cross-reference’ link under the ‘Additional tasks’ section.

Step2:   Select the ‘Forecast source’ as ‘Berenberg Live Information Source’ and the desired accounting template as shown below. Now select the checkbox for the newly created Static item ‘Target Price’ and click on Close.

Manage Forecast Categories Cross - Reference

Helps to Map a Static item under respective Forecast Static Categories (the group of related Forecast Static Types), to form a hierarchy tree structure.

Step1: Click on the ‘ADBMS static’ node from the ‘Miscellaneous section’. Click on the ‘Manage forecast categories cross-reference’ link under the ‘Additional tasks’ section.

Step2:   In the Pop-up Window, select the newly created static item (Target Price) from the ‘Available Forecast Static Types’ dropdown, select forecast source as Berenberg Live Information Source and applicable forecast category checkbox. Click on Close.


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© ANALEC. All Rights Reserved  

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