ResearchWise Automatic Update Guide - V7.3.3

ResearchWise Automatic Update Guide - V7.3.3

Downloading ResearchWise Update (ANALEC ResearchWise toolbar)

Important Note: Please save all your Office documents (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), before starting the update. The system will start downloading the new version as soon as you connect to ResearchWise.


1.      Open a new Word document (or Excel). Under the ResearchWise toolbar, click on Disconnect.

2.      Click on ‘Generate a report’, select ‘Connect to ResearchWise’ button as shown in the below screenshot.

3.      System would now prompt you to enter your ResearchWise account credentials. Please enter your ResearchWise account password and click on ‘Login’ button.

4.      On Successful login, system would start downloading the automatic updates in the background.

5.      In case you have any MS Excel applications open, you would get a message to close it. Please save and close all excel workbooks for the updates to take effect.

6.      You will get the below confirmation stating the update was successful.


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