Steps to Migrate draft to Live - V7.3.3

Steps to Migrate draft to Live - V7.3.3

Step 1: Click on ResearchWise AppStore and then click Analec ReasearchWise Draft To Live Monitor to run the plugin as shown in the below screenshot:

Step 2: System will list all the stocks that qualifies the above mentioned criteria for migration from Draft to Live source. If numbers need to be migrated for any stock (multiple stocks can also be selected) then check the corresponding box before the name of the stock as highlighted in the below screenshot.
Note: Show all instruments will list down all the active stocks irrespective of criteria mentioned in the introduction

Step 3: Choose whether to ‘Use current time’ and click on ‘Migrate Draft to live’ button’:
• If we choose ‘Use current time’ then the system will store the present time when numbers are updated in the live source. For example if we are migrating the numbers of China Mobile (941 HK) and we click on use current time then system will migrate all draft source numbers to live source with the last update time as the current time. The option should be used when you are doing regular/daily updates. In this case stock will appear in the ‘Today’s Research Upgrade/Downgrades’ email.

• If we do not choose ‘Use current time’ option, then numbers will migrate from draft source to live source, with last updated time available as in Draft source. For example in this case if we migrate the number for China mobile then system will store the last update time of live source as 20 November 2009 09:39:52. The option should be used when you are doing historical updates. 

• Why Use current time is critical: This option drives the last update time of live source which simply explains that when numbers have gone live for this stock. Hence this option should be used carefully.


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