Public Appearance Tool - Requester - V7.3.3

Public Appearance Tool - Requester - V7.3.3

We can request for Public Appearance on different media platforms and get approval using Public Appearance Tool.

Steps to request for Public Appearance using Public Appearance Tool:

1.    Open the PAT webpage and login using your ResearchWise credentials:


2.       Upon login, it will take will you to the following screen. Please click on the “Public Appearance Tool button”.


3.    On the PAT home screen, click on ‘New Request’ button (the landing page shows you all your pending requests).

4.    Please fill in the PA request form. Fields denoted with * are mandatory:

Date/Time – Public Appearance’s date and time.

Analyst – Name of the Analyst (by default, it shows the name of logged in user).

Media Outlet – Television, Newspaper etc.

Channel – Name of the channel.

Reporter/Producer Name – Name of the reporter/producer.

-       Requester can tag the Stocks and Sectors in the request, which would be part of the public appearance briefing. Additionally, any file/email can be attached (if applicable) in the request.

5.    Once all the required fields have been filled, the requester can mention the Comments in the ‘Comment’ section and click ‘Submit’ button (as highlighted in screenshot above).

6.    Upon submission of the request, the system would display a confirmation prompt. Click on the ‘Ok’ button to close the same.

On the PAT home screen, there is a ‘Pending’ tab through which, the requester can view the Pending requests.

You can click on the request, in order to modify it, delete it or re-notify the approvers.



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