How to Create Bullet Point for a New Report Type - V7.3.3

How to Create Bullet Point for a New Report Type - V7.3.3

Bullet Points can be added for a new Report Type in ResearchFlowSysAdmin after logging into ResearchWise Webapps.

·         Login to ResearchFlowSysAdmin.

·         Select Report type keyword mapping.                

·         Select the Report Type for which you want to add the keywords. Add rest of the information which includes:

    • keyword name and keyword description.
    • Min Max length basis which the report will error on submission if bullet excceds character limit.
    • Optional or Mandatory basis which report will error on submission if left blank. Optional is warning and Mandatory will error.
    • Present in Report: Values are
      • Yes – Should be in report else will error on submission
      • No – Will prompt to Input during Submission (Table Disply bullet in DBS)
      • Hidden – Will be in report but hidden.
    • Item Type – Specfies if Keyword is of Stock/Sector/Country/General category.
    • Item Type Mapping Required – Yes/No

·         Click on Add to add the bullet point


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