Steps to set-up Report Type - V7.3.3

Steps to set-up Report Type - V7.3.3

Please follow the below steps to setup 
Step 1: To update the Report type settings/attributes, login to ResearchWise Webapps>>‘ResearchFlowSysAdmin’ tool using the ResearchWise credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to ‘Report type’ under ‘Report type Information’ and Select the desired report type from the Report types drop down.

**Ensure that the checkbox ‘Active’ is enabled. 
Step 3: Edit the name of the report type in the ‘Report type name’ textbox. Please note that you can enter max. 255 characters, e.g. ‘Company Update US Long Note’.

Step 4: Add/Edit the description of the report in the ‘Report type description’ textbox. You can enter maximum of 1000 characters.

Step 5: Research Report File Name allows administrator to setup default document file names while generating report by using system tags. Contact Analec Customer Support to get relevant tags to be used here.

Step 6: Source System determines whether the report type is based on MS Word (DOC/DOCM), PowerPoint (PPTX)or Web (HTML).

Step 7:  Change the research Category from the available list of categories.

Step 8: You can specify the minimum and maximum number of instruments which can be associated with the report type by selecting the ‘In between’ option from the ‘No. of instruments’ drop down list. If you have selected the ‘In between’ option, the ‘Min. value’ and ‘Max value’ textboxes will appear.

Step 9: Similarly, you define the minimum and maximum value for Sector, Countries and Contacts. Please note it is mandatory to specify the range for the number of contacts.

Step 10: The Start Year refers to the default year for retrieval of data from the central database. Please select this option as Not Required as the templates are designed to Automatically select the start year. 

If we set the Start Year by selecting ‘Editable’ option from the drop down box where the administrator gives the option to the analyst to enter the year from which he wants to generate the research. E.g. start year is 2007 (Note: Administrator can also choose the option ‘Fixed’ which will allow him to set the start year for the generation of research. This implies that the user generating a piece of research would not be able to alter the start year.)

Step 11: Specify the length for the ‘Report title’. You can keep the length variable by choosing the option, ‘Any length’ or specify a range by selecting the option, ‘In between’. Enter the range in the ‘Min length’ and ‘Max length’ textboxes. Select ‘Report subtitle’ as Not Required as the templates are designed not to use Subtitles

Step 12: Select the option to distribute research document from the ‘Research distribution emails’ dropdown. 
• Always distribute: Publish the report when it has gone through all levels of approval
 Never distribute: Do not publish this report even after its approval
 Distribute after approval: Publish the report only after final approval from the system administrator

Following radio buttons and checkboxes will be displayed if you select ‘Always distribute’ and ‘Distribute after approval’ radio buttons. 
On research report approval:  Select this radio button if you want to distribute the report only when the research report is approved
On particular time: Select this radio button to specify the time of distributing the research report. Simply select the hours and minutes from the respective dropdowns
Step 13:  Allows us to Modify the Default Distribution channels and its properties for a report type. Relevance of each option mentioned below.

  1. Add Recipients to Distribution Channels: Select the recipient from the list and click on Add.
  2. Add Delay between Distribution Channels: Select the delay time in Hrs and Min and click on Add Delay.
  3. Add Halt between Distribution Channels: Click on Add Halt button to add Halt between Distribution Channels. Halted reports needs admin approval to proceed further on Distribution channels.
  4. Remove a Distribution Channel: Click on the X button   against respective recipient to remove a Channel.
  5. Move a Distribution channel: Click on the UP and DOWN button   against respective recipient to Move a Channel in the recipient list.
  6. Add Dependency on a Distribution Channel: Click on the Play Icon   to set Dependency on a Distribution Channel. Until and unless the report is successfully distributed to dependent recipient, system will not process the upcoming channels.
  7. Allow Users to Modify Default Distribution Settings: If enabled, allows users to view and modify the default distribution settings that is set up at the report type level while submission/check-in.
  8. Allow Users to Edit Research Email: If enabled, allows users to Modify the default email content while submission/check-in.

Step 14: User has an option to select customized publication mail templates. Publication mail template can be ‘HTML’ or ‘Text’. Administrator selects the desired customized template from the respective drop downs available.

Step 15: User can determine whether the emails to users of report would be sent in batches or would be sent individually to each user.

For example: there are 3 users for a report in a research generation report type, and the user selects the mail option as ‘Batch Mail’, there would be one email sent to all the users. In case the Administrator selects ‘Individual Mail’, there would be three e-mails sent, one to each user of the report.

In case the user selects ‘Batch Mail’, he would have to specify the ‘Batch Size’, that is, the maximum
Number of user’s to whom a mail can be sent when a report passes the last stage in research
generation report type.

Step 16: User can specify the report alert period for a forthcoming report that any user has defined in the system for this report type. You can skip this option and proceed to next section.

Step 17: Preferred Forecast source: Select the preferred forecast source to be used while generating report.
The ‘Draft Information Source’ is a temporary source and is available to the concerned analyst only or for internal use within the organization.
The ‘Live Information Source’ is available to all the users, subject to the access rights provided.

Leave the Report Marking type and Alternate report link as Not required.

Step 18:  Process Automation: Select Single Ticker Automation if template holds data for one ticker else, use Multi Ticker Automation.

  1. Lock Preferred Forecast source: If this option is checked user would not be able to change the preferred forecast source.
  2. Migrate draft to live: This option converts the financial numbers from the draft version to live on report distribution.
  3. Allow fastrack submission: This option, when selected, prompts the user to choose for fastrack submission while submitting the research report. In fastrack submission, a report does not enter the workflow process.
  4. Lock used instruments: This option, when selected, prevents a person to upload financial numbers for the selected stock for this report type when the report is pending approval in workflow.
  5. Use first instrument as title: This option, when selected will display the first instrument name as the title of the report.

Step 19:  Analyst Certification: Radio button to specify whether analyst certification for this particular type of research report is required or not. The available options are Optional, Mandatory, and Not required.
Step 20:  Report date and Pricing Date Settings: Radio button allows to select Report date and Pricing Date to be used in the report.

Once these fields are reviewed/changed, please click on Update Report Type to apply the changes.
Copy Report type mappings
Step 1: Navigate to ‘Copy report type mappings’ under ‘Report type information’.

Step 2: Select the new report type from the ‘Report types’ drop down and select source report type (the one from which you want to copy mappings) in the ‘Source report types’ option. 

Step 3: Click on Check All option to select all report type mappings and click on Update Mapping to copy all the applicable mappings.


This document is the property of ANALEC and its subsidiaries. Under no circumstances, should any of this material be copied, transmitted, forwarded to any individual and/or organization without the explicit approval of the ANALEC and/or any of its Group companies. This information is strictly private and confidential between the ANALEC and their Customers. Any unauthorized distribution of this document is illegal.

© ANALEC. All Rights Reserved

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