Steps to change Draft to Live source information - V7.3.3

Steps to change Draft to Live source information - V7.3.3

1. Issue Description
If any client wants to generate a report using the uploaded number either on Draft or Live source, they can do it by selecting an option during the research generation process and the same has been mentioned below.

2. Troubleshoot
There are two information sources in ANALEC ResearchWise from where a user can generate a research note. When we say information source we mean the repository where all information is stored. The two information sources are:

(1) Draft Information Source: In this information source system stores all un-published data. Whenever analyst up-loads the numbers, by default they get stored in Draft Information Source. For example if analyst has updated the Target Price and uploaded the same to ANALEC database then while generating a research note he/she should select Draft Information Source. As a result all the numbers produced in the research note will be retrieved from Draft Information Source. All information stored in Draft Source is accessible to only the covering analyst and the productions staff. Since it stores un-published data hence it is not accessible to any external client or sales staff. 

(2) Live Information Source: In this information source system stores the published data. The next question that comes into picture is how the system populates data in Live Information Source. The answer is that the data gets automatically migrated from Draft Information Source to Live Information Source. This automatic migration happens whenever a report that is generated from Draft Information Source gets published. What happens is that when a report gets published, system automatically identifies that Draft Source numbers have been approved and as a result it migrates the numbers to Live Information Source. Migration of number from Draft to Live configurable at the Report Type (i.e. ResearchFlow SysAdmin) by the system administrator. Information stored in Live Source is accessible to all the internal and external users i.e. Clients and sales staff as well. If user intends to generate a research note from Live Information Source then he/she can select the same while Research Generation. 


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