Adding a new External Client profile - v7.3.3

Adding a new External Client profile - v7.3.3

A ‘Client’ is a person who is set up in ResearchWise to receive Research emails only. Client will not be using the ResearchWise products.

To setup a client in the system, login to ResearchWise Web Apps tool from the link below:

Step1:       Navigate to Client Maintenance under ‘ResearchFlow SysAdmin >> Distribution Administration’.

Step2:       In Client Maintenance, search and select a user (say analecadmin). You can also search for a user with the email address.

Step3:       Under Client Details Tab, click on New to add a New External Client profile.

Step4:       Fill in the information for the new user in the relevant textboxes as shown below. Enter the ‘User login name’, ‘User password’, and reconfirm the password. All fields with asterisk (*) are Mandatory fields.

Step5:       Wait for the confirmation message to ensure new client us successfully added into system.

Steps to add a Distribution rule

Steps to add a rule for a user:

Step1:   Log-in to ‘ResearchFlowSysAdmin’.

Step2:   Go to ‘Client Maintenance’ under ‘Distribution Administration’ section.

Step3:   In the textbox under ‘search’ section the name of the desired ‘Client’ for which Distribution rule needs to be created, click on ‘Go’ and select the user. Let’s say analecadmin.

Step4:   Select ‘Mailing Preferences’ and click on ‘Add New Rule’.

Step5:   Now in the first step for rule creation enter the ‘name ‘of the rule in the text box for ‘Rule Description’ and check the desired ‘Research Types’ and click on ‘Next’.

** Please note that as per this distribution rule, user will only receive research for the selected research types.

Step6:   Now in the second step for rule creation, select the ‘Sector Group’ as per requirement, check the desired ‘instrument’ on the basis of defined hierarchy i.e. Country à Sector à Instrument and click on ‘Next’.

** Please note that as per this distribution rule, user will only receive research for the selected instruments.

Step7:   Now in the third step for rule creation, we have 3 filters as shown below which we can apply for receiving the Research for any user. Please find below the details for these filters.

Ø  I would like to receive reports from following analysts.

Ø  I would like to receive reports based upon single point financial information.

Ø  I would like to receive reports based upon company financial information.

We can either skip these filters and click on Next to move to the next page or in case if we want to use any of these option for the rule setup for user then we can check that option and can apply the filter as per requirement. Let’s take an example for one of the option i.e. ‘I would like to receive reports from following analysts’.

Ø  Check the box for option ‘I would like to receive reports from following analysts’ which will display the list of analysts from which you can check the respective analyst’s name and click on ‘OK’.

Ø  Once you click on ‘OK’, it will show the name of selected analyst under the option ‘I would like to receive reports from following analysts ‘as shown in the below figure. In this case user will only receive the report for the analyst ‘Adam Chandler’. Click on ‘Next’.

** Please note that Static and Forecast filters are not set up for Evans, hence will be disabled.

Step8:   Now in the fourth step for rule creation, check the required ‘publication format’ along with the ‘number of pages’ and click on ‘Next’. You can choose to apply ‘Number of Pages’ Criteria as well.

Step9:     In the final step it will show the user detail for which rule is created. Click on ‘Save’ to save the rule.

**Please note that we can check the option ‘Make it a generic rule’ in order to add any other user for this rule.


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